Sunday, September 30, 2012

I'm moving to Disney...

And living under a bridge until I can talk someone into giving me a job in that wonderful place!!

SO here are some updates from Disney... but mostly pictures. I narrowed it down.

A lot.

I literally doubled my number of pictures on my iPhone that week.

At this point, I had spent the last hour counting down the miles.  "ONLY 11 MORE UNTIL OUR HOTEL!!!" and I almost peed my pants. He was excited, too. 

I was concerned when we first saw this, as I thought the first thing we would see was the castle... But we did walk around this and I almost cried. There was sunscreen in my eyes. Get off my back! 

These are some of the characters we met. We met several more, but these were the pictures that weren't blurry on my phone. I was SO excited to meet Belle! And of course Mickey and Minnie. All the characters wished us happy anniversary (we went as an anniversary present to one another) and they were all excited it was our 4th year, as they all only have 4 fingers. OMG I would PAY to get to do their job!

D made a friend of his own. He is just a big figure, not actually a person.This was outside somewhere in Downtown Disney. Where they let you WALK AROUND WITH BEER! NO WONDER this is the HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH!

Us in front of the big Mickey magic hat in Hollywood Studios. To answer your questions: 
Rockin RollerCoaster: 3-4 times
Tower of Terror: 1 time. I almost died. 

Fireworks at Epcot!

Us Kissing... Just kiddin, that's from Beauty & the Beast! OH MY WORD IT WAS AMAZING! I wish I knew how to post videos on here!

Simba says hello from Festival of the Lion King

Mickey at the Parade in Animal Kingdom

Minnie at the Animal Kingdom Parade

Everest! We rode it at least 4 times. It would have only been better if it flipped! 

This guy says, "Take my picture, lady." He was taking cues from Tyra- see his Smize? Smeyes? I don't know how she spells that. Fail. 

Us just before Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party 
(SO WORTH IT if you're wondering)

My new home. 

These indicated a place at which you could Trick or Treat. Yeah, we trick or treated on 9/21. What?

Pooh & Crew at the Boo to You Parade

AAAAAANNNNNND My life is complete. 
OH my heavens. Best place ever. Best trip ever. Best vacation EVER. 

But I was so ready to come home and sleep in my own bed. 
And I needed another vacation in order to rest-up to return to work.  

This past week was hellacious only because my brain and body were not ready to be back on that schedule and handling issues with clients. 
I think I got so in touch with my inner-child that I was a little shocked when I returned to work. It was the longest week of my life. haha But I missed my work friends terribly while I was gone.  I guess they're all going to have to just move to Orlando with me! Let's GO! 
Also, there is a child welfare center about 1 mile from the beach where we stayed in Daytona.  We could move there and take it over, and work part time at Disney on the weekends... That's my plan. 

So let me tell you about a few ways Disney gets it right. 

1. All workers are called "Cast Members" 
  Are you kidding me?!!? I would expect that of the people who dress up, but the fact that they call everyone that and not employees  or  STAFF  just makes me feel all warm inside. It makes me think that everyone feels like a very important part of the cast. I love that.

2. Buttons!
    Yes. Buttons. You get a button if you're visiting for a reason! Happy Birthday buttons, Happy Anniversary buttons, First Time buttons, Happily Ever After buttons... IT IS AMAZING! And everyone wishes you happy anniversary/bday/first time when you see them. That is AWESOME! 

3. Buses
   The buses take you everywhere. If you stay on the resort you park your car when you arrive and never drive it again until you leave.  This is awesome because you don't have to know where anything is, figure out how to get to something, drive yourself back to the hotel after too many beers (because there is beer everywhere except Magic Kingdom), etc. 

4.  Rooms! 
  OK our room wasn't that nice, but do you know what was?! The Mickey Mouse shaped towel thing and the Swans making a heart and the Wedding Cake Towel tier thing and the bunny and other thing in the window sill that were fashioned by the staff. Awesome. 

5.  Key cards- 
   Everything attached to your room key. Your Ticket to the World.  No need to take anything else with you into the park. AND you can buy stuff in the shops and have it SENT TO YOUR ROOM! WHAT?! YeS! 

6. Free Meal Plan. 
   Yeah. Read that again. 
FREE. MEAL. PLAN.  We got a free meal plan- some promotion they were doing. And THANK the LORD we did, or we would have spent $35-45 each meal on food. Holy cow. So thankful.  

7.  Lines for rides
   We went during a dead period, so there weren't really lines for anything.  30 minutes for Soarin' was the longest we waited.  WHILE in LINE, there are things To DO! ARE you KIDDING ME?! Games to play. Things to read. Screens to watch to give instruction. It makes it feel like you aren't in LINE at ALL! 

That's all I can do right now. I have to work tomorrow and my hands are going to sleep. 
YAY for Carpal Tunnel. Because I'm 26 going on 90. 

SO if I go missing, please know I have probably ended up in Orlando. Panhandling. Begging for a job cleaning up trash in the Magic Kingom.  
That's where I'll be. Because even the crappiest job there is still probably one of the happiest things a person can do. I don't know that it's possible to be sad inside a place that is filled with so much joy. 
