Monday, June 21, 2010

Voluntary-Mandatory Reading List

Yeah! 3rd Post! Wow... Each post in a different month. I would consider myself a bad blogger if I cared a whole lot more... :o)

Today is my and Donnie's 2 Year Wedding Anniversary! (Go ahead, cheer!)
It's pretty cool... if you're into that sort of thing.

This is the reason that I'm blogging today- NO, not to talk about how much I love him and how he's my best friend and I'm so blessed to spend the rest of my life with him and build a family together and go through everything together... or to talk about how he somehow loves me even though I have days where I flat out just CHOOSE to be mad, or days that I don't bathe and refuse to get off the couch, or times where I'm consistently negating his every word. And I'm not blogging today to talk about how I have daily/weekly/monthly realizations that I am so incredibly blessed and lucky to have him in my life, and I have no idea what my life would be like without him (other than incredibly boring and unfunny...)
I'm blogging today about presents! :) You like that? How I snuck that lovey dovey crap in there?
He got me the following:
-Zac Brown Band CD
-My Horizontal Life, by Chelsea Handler
-The Lovely Bones
-3 Movie Johnny Depp DVDs thing- Benny & Joon, Edward Scissorhands, and From Hell
-Purple Daisies/other assorted flowers
and a super sweet card. :)

This feels funny to say, but for the first time EVER, I have made myself a VOLUNTARY Summer (and probably on into Fall and winter...) Reading List.
I am currently working my way (ever so slowly) through Lewis Carroll's 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' and 'Through the Looking Glass'... LOVING EVERY SECOND OF IT!
then, I think I'll try to knock out the following:
- 'The Lovely Bones' -So I can see the movie
- 'Charlotte's Webb' -My dad found the book @their house recently and sent it home w/me bc I haven't read it since I was wittle wittle
- 'My Horizontal Life' ---Chelsea Handler is hilarious- I loved Are You There, Vodka?
- 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' -Because I need to pick up some other habits besides nail-biting
- 'The Time Traveler's Wife' -So I can see the movie...
- 'Parenting the Hurt Child' - No, I don't have children, but I want to read it anyway!
- 'A Paradise Built in Hell- The Extraordinary Communities that Arise in Disaster' by Rebecca Solnit
- 'Yours, Jack' By C.S. Lewis
- 'Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang' - To complete my series of super-serious Chelsea Handler books
- 'The Shack' by William P Young
- 'Bitter is the New Black: Confessions of a Condescending, Egomaniacal, Self-Centered Smartass, Or, Why You Should Never Carry a Prada Bag to the Unemployment Office' - by Jen Lancaster

Annnnnnd that should do my til my 26th birthday.

PS- I've decided that I know what I want to be when I grow up:

A professional candy bar/junk food buster-upper... I mean, really- I would LOVE to be the one who works for DQ and breaks the Oreos and Heath Bars up to put in the Blizzards... I think I've found my calling!



  1. Jen Lancaster has 4 more books for you to read as well!! I actually met her on her book tour in May and she is REALLY very funny in person, as well!!

    Happy reading!!

    Also, I like your blog! Just blog MORE!!

  2. also, see this!!

  3. Kate- I see your name, but it links me nowhere! :(
    I'm trying to figure out who you are!
    I actually had all of her books in my Amazon cart at one time, but decided to shop for them at discount places instead (i.e. McKay's). I read her blog to my husband occasionally, especially the section of things her husband wouldn't want her to post. Love it!
