Tuesday, February 4, 2014

So many updates!

It has been OVER a year since I have blogged!! WHAT?!

Some updates for you:
- I got pregnant last March/Aprilish
- I turned 27 in March... that sounds so much older than it is.
- Got a new job in July
- Went to DC in September/October
- Had a WAY TOO CUTE baby in December

That's about what you've missed!

I will try to catch up little by little about these things, but for starters, here are some pics of Nolan Raymond that I've taken.
I'm trying to take a pic of him in the same place every Monday so we can see how much he grows over his first year. So far we're only on week 7 and he IS MASSIVE (in a good way!)

Day 1: 

And I can't get any others to upload--- so maybe tomorrow?
We'll see.
♥ EM

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