Monday, January 24, 2011

22. Update resume- Complete! Working on 12, 17, 55..

SO, I am currently updating my resume(Number 22). Mark that off the list!

I think I have decided on what to do with the shower (#17)

I have made 1-2 meals in the Crock Pot- so I'm almost half way to that goal! (#12)

ANNNND I'm one step into my blonde mission(#55). Got highlights a couple weeks ago, YIPEE!!!!!

To see the rest of my 101 in 1001, click HERE.

Here's some pictures for you of the children! We're just now finishing up Christmas with different parts of the fam... here's Carmen eating her big bone/treat thing from Christmas;

 ANnnNNnnnnnD the Weenie killing her hedgehog we got her. Such a jerk.

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