Wednesday, August 1, 2012

One Hundred and updates...

Here are some updates to my 101 in 1001 updates... riiiight.
To view my updated 101 in 1001, click here.

I have completed 15 more. FIFTEEN MORE. Not because I have been working hard towards my goals, but because I haven't blogged in almost 2 months. I think I'm on a good track, though. 45/101. That's almost 45%. This isn't bad!
OK here we go!

3. Go to a(nother) awesome concert- We saw The Protomen for our anniversary. NOT ONLY did they do an entire night of Queen cover songs, but JACK BLACK came out at the end and finished the set with Bohemian Rhapsody. It was fridiculous.

 OH, also, I have invented another word. Fridiculous, or fridic for short. It means friggin ridiculous. You're welcome, world.

13. Stabilize our fence.  I'm counting that I have done this because I shoved crap in the holes and it doesn't move anymore. Eventually we will cement that crap.

17. Learn how to use my crock pot I have made grits, taco soup, rice, lasagna, and chicken soup in this bad boy. Goal- MET.

25. Get Ladder Shelves for LR.  Thank you, Craigslist. $120 for a set. LOVE it!

57. Get a professional massage- AHHHHHHH I am now a member of the Massage Envy monthly club. Yes. Oh heavens, yes.

63. Babysit for a friend as a gift. I forced D to help me with this. It was fun!

66. Read 12 books- OK I THINK I've read 12 books. I know I had read 4-5, then I got a Kindle for my birthday and have read all 3 Hunger Games, all 3 50 Shades, as well as Schism, several fairy tale books, and a couple others that I can't think of right now. So take that. I have prob read 20.

67. Make Gourmet doggie biscuits for my puppy friends. I learned how to make my own sweet potato treats! Tini, Carmen, Maya, Libby, Abbey, Turbo, and Genna all liked them. Success!

81. Ask about/possibly invest in contacts.  I asked. I don't think they're for me. Maybe one day.

82. Go to the dentist.  From what I hear, it's not good to skip 4 years of dentist visits. Could be related to my 6 cavities...

85. Pearl Necklace- Thanks to the hubs, I have that covered! He got me a beautiful new strand of pearls for my birthday this year.

86. Have a "top Tier" wedding cake made by Jay at Maple's for an anniversary.  Well, Jay no longer runs Maple's, so this is difficult. HOWEVER, Nashville Sweets is pretty rockin and made our anniversary cake this year.

GIANT WHEEL OF YELLOW CHEESE with GB emblem on the top. Danielle, I love you. Let's get married. You make the cake.

90. Go our for a "girls night"  Yeah, I think every single Saturday counts for this. Pool day. Best day of my week. Also, D was out of town in June, so I went on dates with Robyn & Jeannie. Super fun times!

94. McBaby- this has been discussed. A time frame has been proposed. Mostly by everyone else imposing their baby wishes upon my uterus, but it has been discussed.
Stop asking me when we're having kids. We'll do it when we want to. Unless you want to raise it, stop rushing us.

97. Buy an issue of the contributer for $20 instead of $1.  I have bought 2-3 for $5, and 1-2 for $10. Then others for $2-3 each. I am going to count that. I wouldn't want to give one specific person the $20 because i wouldn't want them to recognize my car and think it's going to happen again. hahaha

99. Swim in water I can't see through- YEAH! Lake DAY! Complete. Get mildly intoxicated while floating on a noodle--- not a goal, but also completed. hahaha

I'll update it with pictures and stuff later, but for now- that's it. My carpal tunnel is making my hands cramp and claw.

YAY for goal setting!

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