Thursday, August 23, 2012

For real, though.

Transitions are hard, y'all. 
I ain't even kiddin'.

I don't normally talk like a hillbilly, btw... I just sometimes think it's funny.  Don't yawl thank so tooo?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Coping Mechanisms.

Sometimes when I have a crap day or something makes me irritated/mad/want to cry/want to throw things/want to scream down the hall/unhappy, I get on Pinterest and pin all the funny things.
This is my work-appropriate coping mechanism.

Occasionally it turns into me guffawing in my office while my coworkers walk by and stare.


So, if you ever see me pinning all the funnies, be warned.
Or call me and help laugh super hard

2 things

2 positive things about today:

1. Today I got a new awesomely sweet client and I am so excited about working with her!

2. We leave for Disney in 24 days!!!

The End.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

One Hundred and updates...

Here are some updates to my 101 in 1001 updates... riiiight.
To view my updated 101 in 1001, click here.

I have completed 15 more. FIFTEEN MORE. Not because I have been working hard towards my goals, but because I haven't blogged in almost 2 months. I think I'm on a good track, though. 45/101. That's almost 45%. This isn't bad!
OK here we go!

3. Go to a(nother) awesome concert- We saw The Protomen for our anniversary. NOT ONLY did they do an entire night of Queen cover songs, but JACK BLACK came out at the end and finished the set with Bohemian Rhapsody. It was fridiculous.

 OH, also, I have invented another word. Fridiculous, or fridic for short. It means friggin ridiculous. You're welcome, world.

13. Stabilize our fence.  I'm counting that I have done this because I shoved crap in the holes and it doesn't move anymore. Eventually we will cement that crap.

17. Learn how to use my crock pot I have made grits, taco soup, rice, lasagna, and chicken soup in this bad boy. Goal- MET.

25. Get Ladder Shelves for LR.  Thank you, Craigslist. $120 for a set. LOVE it!

57. Get a professional massage- AHHHHHHH I am now a member of the Massage Envy monthly club. Yes. Oh heavens, yes.

63. Babysit for a friend as a gift. I forced D to help me with this. It was fun!

66. Read 12 books- OK I THINK I've read 12 books. I know I had read 4-5, then I got a Kindle for my birthday and have read all 3 Hunger Games, all 3 50 Shades, as well as Schism, several fairy tale books, and a couple others that I can't think of right now. So take that. I have prob read 20.

67. Make Gourmet doggie biscuits for my puppy friends. I learned how to make my own sweet potato treats! Tini, Carmen, Maya, Libby, Abbey, Turbo, and Genna all liked them. Success!

81. Ask about/possibly invest in contacts.  I asked. I don't think they're for me. Maybe one day.

82. Go to the dentist.  From what I hear, it's not good to skip 4 years of dentist visits. Could be related to my 6 cavities...

85. Pearl Necklace- Thanks to the hubs, I have that covered! He got me a beautiful new strand of pearls for my birthday this year.

86. Have a "top Tier" wedding cake made by Jay at Maple's for an anniversary.  Well, Jay no longer runs Maple's, so this is difficult. HOWEVER, Nashville Sweets is pretty rockin and made our anniversary cake this year.

GIANT WHEEL OF YELLOW CHEESE with GB emblem on the top. Danielle, I love you. Let's get married. You make the cake.

90. Go our for a "girls night"  Yeah, I think every single Saturday counts for this. Pool day. Best day of my week. Also, D was out of town in June, so I went on dates with Robyn & Jeannie. Super fun times!

94. McBaby- this has been discussed. A time frame has been proposed. Mostly by everyone else imposing their baby wishes upon my uterus, but it has been discussed.
Stop asking me when we're having kids. We'll do it when we want to. Unless you want to raise it, stop rushing us.

97. Buy an issue of the contributer for $20 instead of $1.  I have bought 2-3 for $5, and 1-2 for $10. Then others for $2-3 each. I am going to count that. I wouldn't want to give one specific person the $20 because i wouldn't want them to recognize my car and think it's going to happen again. hahaha

99. Swim in water I can't see through- YEAH! Lake DAY! Complete. Get mildly intoxicated while floating on a noodle--- not a goal, but also completed. hahaha

I'll update it with pictures and stuff later, but for now- that's it. My carpal tunnel is making my hands cramp and claw.

YAY for goal setting!

101... seriously

OK so I have done a bunch of new things on my 101 in 1001 blog... and have realized several of them are completely unlikely to happen, therefore I will be changing them to more likely scenarios.
For instance, I will not be going overseas most likely by 9/28/13. Let's just be real here. I'm probably not going to get back on a PLANE before then unless we come across $2000 that we just *forgot* or *misplaced* So let's be a little less lofty with our goals.

My Current 101 in 1001 will be in black (completed things struck through, linked, & in red), and changes or comments will be in a funner color. You'll See! Also, if my ice cream I just scooped out lasts long enough, I might even update on the updates! WAHOO!


1. Visit the beach (I have done this, but it didn't count bc I didn't get to play!)
2. Attend a Georgia Bulldogs game (preferrably in GA) ---GA vs. Vanderbilt this year. WE are GOING 
3. Go to a(nother) Joshua Radin Concert Changing to: Go to a(nother) AWESOME concert --CHECK
4. Pay off the Truck Sweet baby hayzeus this is taking forever
5. Use a free night (or two) on my Marriott Rewards card
6. Get term life insurance for D & me
7. Change my name on my passport (I should probably pre-post a "FIND my passport" one...) Yeaahh... about that
8. Travel somewhere and actually get my passport STAMPED I don't see this happening. New goal: travel across multiple states 
10. Attend a Packers game at Lambeau Field 
11. Finish painting our bathroom
13. Stabilize our fence 
15. Save up an "emergency fund" 
16. Participate in the 21-Day Vegan Kickstart
17. Learn how to use my Crock Pot (I will measure this by completing 5 meals in said Crock Pot) 
20. TAILGATE  (Like a pro)
21. Travel across an ocean Not happening. Changing this to  GO to DISNEYWORLD
23. Re-cover our dirty storage ottomans 
24. Get a storage bench for the LR (against the naked wall!)  New decoration plans. No bench. Changing this to Get occasional chairs for naked wall
25. Make butt pillows for said storage bench (I'm thinking leopard or giraffe print...) N/A change to Get Ladder Shelves for LR
27. Attend a Braves game in ATL
28. Re-landscape the front of our house
29. Plant *(& GROW) grass in our yard
30. Figure out if Carmen IS deaf and how bad it is
31. Get down to the weight I was at in 11th grade Obviously I'm working hard on this while eating ice cream
34. Eat ABSOLUTELY NO Gluten for one month This is harder than it sounds like it would be... 
36. Host a dinner party
37. Blog 2x per week for 3 months
39. Go to NYC 
40. Buy and wear an outfit that is not my normal cup of tea
43. Go to Washington DC
44. Visit a winery outside of TN
46. Retip some of my favorite shoes I'll just throw them out. Changing this to Throw out old/worn out/wrong fitting shoes
48. Make our driveway 3 feet wider 
49. Get a hot tub 
50. Build a pergola over said hot tub and back porch Dropping this. We may never see that stupid hot tub. Changing to Make Backyard a more entertainment-friendly space
52. Put furniture on our front porch
53. Have friends over to play cards
57. Get a professional massage (again) YES! DONE! WHAAT
58. Quit biting my nails/fingers I will have to start wearing gloves 100% of the time
59. Go to the chiropractor
60. Visit NOLA I am working SO HARD on this. There's a conference in September in NOLA that I want to attend
62. Co-build a bed for said mattress and box springs Unnecessary. We have a box spring and frame. Changing this to something funner.
63. Babysit for a friend as a gift
64. Do yoga for a month straight
65. Make 10 things out of one of my cookbooks
66. Read 12 books
67. Make "gourmet" doggie biscuits for all my dog friends DONE
70. Make a curtain/something to cover the window in our back door Does hanging a sheet over it count? 
72. Put crown molding in our bathroom and/or bedroom 
73. Find 3 add'l pictures to put in my big frame in the LR to complete my seasons idea Almost there!! 
74. Participate in "10 Days of Love" either for Vday or our anniversary... I haven't decided yet I still haven't even googled this. So I'm dropping it. Instead, I will make an awesome present for my husband
75. Buy new bedside tables HA! 
77. Put shelving on a wall in one of the BRs
78. Take a (good/sober) picture of Donnie & Myself once per month for a year So far, no. Maybe I should make this "6 months out of a year"
80. Buy bright colored shoes
81. Ask about/possibly invest in contacts 
82. Go to the dentist
83. Repaint our bedroom
84. Go to a Notre Dame game Too many football ideas on here. I'm changing this to Attend a college volleyball game
85. Obtain a pearl necklace to match my beautiful studs that I got for a wedding present 
86. Have a "top tier" of a wedding-ish cake made by Jay at Maples Wedding Cakes for an anniversary dinner
87. Buy something awesome at a yard sale
88. Tip a server 100% of the meal or more
89. Read the whole new testament (I've seen where some of my blogger friends want to read the whole thing... I think I'm going to skip the begats and begots this go-round)
90. Go out for a "girls night"
91. Host a game night
92. Re-decorate my blog (1/2/11)
94. Talk seriously about making a McBaby...
96. Make a wreath
97. Buy an issue of The Contributor for $20 (instead of $1)
98. Go camping for more than one night - and possibly even enjoy myself?
99. Swim in water I can't see through (ocean, lake, whichever)
100. Go to Cedar Pointe While I still would like to do this, I don't really care that much. Let's change this to something funner, too. Ill think it up later. 
101. Get a new tattoo